Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Who is Peace for?

Who is peace for?

  1. Does peace discriminate?
  2. Is peace only for a specified race?
  3. Is peace only for a specified gender?
  4. Is peace unjust?
  5. Is peace given by people?
  6. Is peace only for those who are richer?
Take your time to read this and answer on a piece of paper.

Who is peace for?

Peace is for those who don't just say peace and actually do something to achieve peace. What good is it if we only talk about peace and wait for peace to happen? Then we have to think as humans if we truly want to live in a world where peace can be seen of every corner street. Many people may think it is only about the survival of the fittest, but did you ever think that being the fittest is the ability to live altogether without eliminating one another? Does showing oneself to be stronger than another prove supremacy? It does not prove supremacy if others die out of one's desire to be greater than others. Peace is for those who understand the value of peace and the way to achieve it.

Is peace for a specific race, gender or people?

If peace was for a specific race, gender or people,then it would not be peace at all. When the rain falls from the sky does it only fall on certain people? It does not.

Is peace given by people?

If peace was given by people, why hasn't anyone given enough for everyone to share in it? This is because there has been no one who has given peace to the entire world. Peace cannot be given if no one has it. Therefore, we have to ask ourselves who has peace? That is a question I shall leave for you all to think about.

Peace can be achieved when everyone has the heart of peace. If anyone says "world peace" are you one who says "is possible!" or one who says "that would be great, but it's not realistic." We must first believe peace is possible then we can have the hope to drive us towards it. If one studies to be a doctor, but says "that would be great, but it's kind of impossible," will that person ever become a doctor? You all know the answer to that. In the same way, peace can be achieved if we first believe it can happen. Let us really have the heart and determination to be ones who make peace a reality!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Peace? Here is why.

All throughout the world, peace is something that is always desired. However, have we ever had peace on earth? In many cases, even if nations fighting nations had a peace treaty, there were many instances where war broke out once again. 

When we think about war, we think of a nation fighting a nation. We live our lives day by day without realizing there are people dying. We go to school, work, and places to keep us busy, but somewhere in the world there are those who are fighting the war and are victims of war. 

Some children of other nations go to war instead of school and some teenagers die from war before they even have a chance to see their very own sons and daughters. While many are dying, there are those who instigate war without being in the war. Political leaders and even religious leaders must unite together as the leaders of many nations in order to stop the wars that cause the death of many individuals every year. We can stand here saying peace peace, but without any actions, war will always continue. 

Then what is the solution? We must take action. How can we be ones who participation in the cessation of war? We must be active and search for a group of individuals who are taking initiative to stop war. 

From my personal view, I have found HWPL to be an organization that actually does something about this issue of war. HWPL has not only proclaimed the cessation of war, but have also done initiatives to gather many leaders of the world to stop this problem. As a disease needs to be cured, war must be stopped. Disease causes deaths every year, but so does war. If life is so precious to us, then let us be ones who don't just stand around, but fight for what we truly find precious which is life.