Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Peace? Here is why.

All throughout the world, peace is something that is always desired. However, have we ever had peace on earth? In many cases, even if nations fighting nations had a peace treaty, there were many instances where war broke out once again. 

When we think about war, we think of a nation fighting a nation. We live our lives day by day without realizing there are people dying. We go to school, work, and places to keep us busy, but somewhere in the world there are those who are fighting the war and are victims of war. 

Some children of other nations go to war instead of school and some teenagers die from war before they even have a chance to see their very own sons and daughters. While many are dying, there are those who instigate war without being in the war. Political leaders and even religious leaders must unite together as the leaders of many nations in order to stop the wars that cause the death of many individuals every year. We can stand here saying peace peace, but without any actions, war will always continue. 

Then what is the solution? We must take action. How can we be ones who participation in the cessation of war? We must be active and search for a group of individuals who are taking initiative to stop war. 

From my personal view, I have found HWPL to be an organization that actually does something about this issue of war. HWPL has not only proclaimed the cessation of war, but have also done initiatives to gather many leaders of the world to stop this problem. As a disease needs to be cured, war must be stopped. Disease causes deaths every year, but so does war. If life is so precious to us, then let us be ones who don't just stand around, but fight for what we truly find precious which is life.

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