Saturday, September 17, 2016

HWPL: Is it the Answer to Peace? You Betcha

Following the event, I felt a great sense of hope. Why is it that I am able to have a greater hope even after one day? This is because I was able to see that peace is one step closer than we can even imagine. I have heard many people say that peace cannot be achieved, but after attending the HWPL’s peace event, I started to think that peace not being able to happen was something of yesterday.

The world today follows trends, but trends that do not last often burn out because there is nothing that comes out of it. That is why we call it a trend. However, what if we made peace the new trend? Would it even be a trend? I would like to say that peace can actually be a lifestyle. A lifestyle means that people are able to have a certain purpose in their heart and live every day to that purpose.

Imagine waking up every morning with the thought that peace is one day closer to fulfillment. We wake up every day with the thoughts of our work, school, and the worries that consume us for us to await another day of the same thoughts. Just take a moment right now to think about a day where you wake up and hear on the news of war stopping and people coming together to help one another. What would the world look like if that actually happened? Would people be fighting over land as we have done for the many thousands of years? It would be the first time we would be able to see the barriers being broken once and for all and the people to come together for the purpose of world peace.

I once doubted world peace, but HWPL made me change my thought in a single day of visiting the event. Seeing individuals with such high positions in the world who were willing to come to agreement of wanting to achieve world peace was a sight that cannot be captured or explained in words. When the leaders could have been yelling at one another with their different ideals, they were calm and collected to listen and understand one another. How is this possible? I believe it is possible because the leaders truly believe in their own hearts that peace is not too far away.

If the leaders were able to lower themselves for the sake of peace, what must the people do? We too must be able to see the purpose in which we live on the earth. More than making money or becoming the most famous person in the world, being able to understand and work along those beside you like a family is much more valuable. It is like a dream right? Well it is time to stop dreaming because world peace is coming. See you all at the next HWPL event and come see it yourselves.

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