Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Hare and Tortoise of Peace

Have you ever heard about the story of the hare and the tortoise? It is a story about two animals and the beginning and end of their journeys.

The story begins with the speedy hare in a race with a slow tortoise. Naturally, an individual would think that the speedy hare would win and from the beginning of the story it seems like so. The hare speeds to the end of the finish line only to see a tree with shade and decides that he can rest. What made him rest? He saw that the tortoise was slow and had a long way to go. Therefore the hare slept and slept and slept. Suddenly the hare woke up to a loud and thunderous cheer. He thought the cheer was for him and he quickly zipped through the finish line, but realized that the crowd was around the tortoise. He looked at his watch and realized he slept for hours and realized that was enough time for the slow and steady tortoise to win the race.

What can we learn from this story in regards to peace? There are two types of people in this world. Whether in regards to work, school, or peace, there is always a hare and there is always a tortoise. The hare like person is skilled and is capable to achieve great things, but looks at others who are behind him and makes himself above others. The hare like person ends up resting and thinks they have enough time. However, the tortoise like person does not look at others when running the race. The tortoise just looks at the finish line despite his weakness. With that effort, he looks to win the race slow and steady. Soon enough, the hare like person is the one who falls behind and the tortoise is the winner.

When we are the people who can achieve peace, who will you be? Will you be like the hare who already feels like peace is complete? Or will you be like the tortoise who sees that peace as possible and runs till the finish line? Let us become peace runners like the tortoise! Although we may not be the greatest of people, let us be people who have heart. Peace runner like you and me can most definitely make peace a reality even tomorrow!

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