Saturday, September 17, 2016

There are Only a Few things on Earth that can...

Make one so hopeful.

Please feel free to print this out as a survey for yourself.
I am going to give you a survey on what gives you hope.
  1. The birth of a newborn child.
  2. Starving children in the streets.
  3. The budding of a seed that was planted.
  4. Children fighting in war. 
  5. Opening the door for others.
  6. Being healed 100% after a life threatening disease,
  7. Seeing a burned forest come back to full flourish.
  8. The budding of a seed that was planted.
  9. Nations attacking other nations in need of land and resources.
  10. The death of your loved one.
  11. The passing of fellow nation citizens.
  12. Starving children in the streets.
  13. Two opposing nations and religions coming together for the sake of peace.
If you take a look closely at this survey there is one thing you can find in common. Do you know what that is?

One thing you can definitely find in common is that hope revolves around the issue of life. When life is given, one is able to have hope. When life is taken one loses their hope. Then what should we do?
If we say to ourselves that we are so hopeful, but the whole world still wants to find a hope for themselves, why can't we go out and share it?

I am currently at the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit and I am just blown away... I look upon a sea of beautiful colors and I end up only realizing that it isn't just colorful chairs, but people.

Is there really this many people who want peace? If this is only a small percentage of individuals who want peace, then how much greater can this be? It only takes a small spark of many individuals to come together and shout their voices for peace. I am glad to be here and I hope you are too even if it meant being "here" watching the live stream~

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